Photo by Jeff Salvage. Used by permission.

Welcome Race Walkers.

Toronto Race Walkers is a race walking club focused on helping athletes succeed at provincial, national and international masters competitions.

But we are not only about competing. We welcome anyone who just wants to walk fast and is interested in learning the unique race walking technique.

Coach Nancy Leo

Toronto Race Walkers was founded in 2012 by Nancy Leo when she retired from competitive race walking due to an arthritic ankle.

Coach Leo is an NCCP (National Coaching Certification Program) certified Performance Coach with a specialty in distance events.


In the more than two years I’ve worked with Nancy, I’ve not only become stronger physically, but mentally too. I still start my track and endurance workouts with a bit of anxiety, not sure if I will be able to finish or get within the time range, but then I finish, and each time I feel very proud of myself for pushing through and not giving up.

This translates to my everyday life too...yes, some days are stressful, but I know I’m capable of pushing through and coming out stronger on the other side...and this is all thanks to you, Nancy!